Dec 31, 2011

Karate Kid literature

What is a guy to do when he has to work on New Year's Eve? Read his Karate Kid novelization by B. B. Hiller or course.

To be honest I didn't even know there were Karate Kid books out there until I went to Ebay a couple of weeks ago and did a search for Karate Kid memorabilia. Most of what was there I had seen in the past and wasn't interested. So then I decided to look at their book section to see if they had any Ed Parker kenpo books. Except I forgot to take Karate Kid out of the search box and lo and behold Karate Kid books came up, novelizations by B. B. Hiller for all four Karate Kid movies.

I was shocked, I never knew they existed. And lucky for me, seeing as I didn't have a lot of spare cash in pocket, the prices were quite low, $2.00 for Karate Kid 1. I thought I would take a chance on ordering the book. I could tell the book is designed for young readers, Jr. High range, and it is a "novelization" meaning it was written after the movie came out. However I thought perhaps the author would have had access to the script and thus the book would cover the full story and fill in some of the blanks that exist in the movie.

I had kind of forgotten that I had ordered the book until today when my wife asked, "Did you order something from Ebay?" Ha! I jumped for joy.


So here I sit, about an hour until 2012 begins and I am reading this wonderful book during my down time at work. The book is definitely designed for Jr. High age kids from the 80's, I'm not sure if Jr. High kids these days would even read books like this. Probably not.

But I am having a lot of fun reading the book, it takes me back to when I was a kid that age and the Karate Kid came out. Oh to be that young again.

Anyway, there are 131 pages and I'm on page 73. I will check back in when I finish.


Done. Awesome book! But I never had a doubt it wouldn't be.

There were a couple of revelations in the book that I will cover shortly. There was no "Sweep the Leg" though, that was shocking. And the original story ended in the parking lot outside the All Valley tournament. A lot of people knew that already probably, that has been talked about before.

Anyway, not a bad way to begin the new year.

Dec 19, 2011

truth at the all valley - a conclusion

"Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth." Henry David Thoreua


28 years ago today the most legendary karate tournament ever held took place, the Under 18 All Valley Karate Championship. And interestingly enough, love, money, and fame all played a role. However today I hope truth will play a role as well.

My intent with this study is not to change anyone's love for the greatest movie ever made, the Karate Kid, but rather to enhance it by bringing to light a secret I believe is contained within the story. For me this discovery has made the movie more satisfying, the story and it's plot more intense, and the outcome of the Karate Kid and it's sequels even more interesting.

I believe I have done a thorough study and hope I have expressed my thoughts and ideas sufficiently enough for even the most ardent Karate Kid fanatic.

I feel however that I must give this warning, if you read further you do so at your own risk. Once your eyes have been opened you will never look at the Karate Kid the same again.

Have you ever wondered about the All Valley tournament? Have you ever wondered how a kid that knew little to no karate was suddenly able to take out an entire dojo of Cobra Kai?

If you want to take a journey into a strange world of karate tournaments and dark secrets continue to the website below.

Dec 12, 2011

Dec 11, 2011

Karate Kid action figures

I wish I had this! Complete with "Attack Alley and Training Center," and ninjas which of course never had anything to do with the Karate Kid. Johnny is even in there fighting off what appears to be either a ninja or a Star Wars stormtrooper.


Dec 10, 2011

Bruce Lee quote

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them."

Dec 8, 2011

Dec 5, 2011

Dec 2, 2011

Yukie and Miyagi

From Karate Kid 2

Dec 1, 2011

Special Miyagi family kata

This photo always cracks me up. Can't Mr. Miyagi take the pen and pencil out of his pocket while he does kata? And is Daniel wearing sweats or really tight jeans? I can't tell.