May 27, 2016

Jaden Smith disappearance, plans to leave public eye forever

(by Casey Stine 5-22-16)

Jaden Smith, the 17-year-old son of Will and Jada Smith is making plans for his future, plans to disappear and never be found according to Sunday, May 22 report from WDC. Jaden Smith, recently named one of the Most Influential Teens spoke out about his life in a recent interview with GQ. Never the shy one Jaden has made numerous news headlines expressing his unique style and many beliefs.

As previously reported in 2015 Jaden made news and fashion headlines after attending a high school prom sporting a unique white Batman costume. Jaden Smith, a celebrity kid who really enjoys walking to the beat of his own drum. He has been known to dress a little out of the ordinary, some days sporting dresses, other days such as prom night sporting a white Batman costume.

Jaden has of course dressed as a superhero before, last time at Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's wedding. As previously reported Jaden Smith sometimes comes across as a bit bizarre and somewhat eccentric like. He has revealed that he believes in aliens, enjoys wearing whatever clothes he finds appealing, even if it is a dress. So it was no huge surprise during the GQ chat that Jaden gave some pretty unique responses. When Jaden was asked what he believed was the most influential thing in his life.

"Being born was the most influential thing that's ever happened to me, for myself," Jaden said. As for his future plans Jaden claims within the next ten yeas he plans on leaving the public eye forever.

Smith claims it is his plan to never to be seen again publicly by the time he's 30. He said, "That's why I choose to live my life the way that I live now, in society, because by the time I turn 30, I will be completely gone, and it will be a 100 percent mystery of where I am and what I'm doing." It will be interesting to keep tabs and see if Jaden Smith actually holds to his future plan, and just how his famous family members Will, Jada and Willow handle his plans. Does this news surprise you, or do you find it just another bizarre oddity in the life and times of Jaden Smith?



My take

Yes Jaden, please disappear.

May 21, 2016

The real thing

Shit just got real.

May 19, 2016

May 16, 2016

May 14, 2016

May 8, 2016

Sensei Kreese throwing a kick

Well this is interesting. A photo taken during filming of the parking lot scene in Karate Kid 2 shows Sensei Kresse throwing a kick at Mr. Miyagi.

As we know it did not make it into the film, maybe the kick looked awkward in those tight jeans.

Pat Johnson with the Cobra Kai

A nice photo of Pat Johnson with the Cobra Kai crew.

May 6, 2016

Pat Johnson

(photo from Pat Johnson's Facebook page)

If you don't believe Pat Johnson deserves to be Black Belt magazine's 1995 Instructor of the Year, you try teaching turtles how to fight.
Among Johnson's mountain of accomplishments is, of course, his work with the stuntmen who doubled for the famous fighting amphibians known as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the film trilogy of the same name. But that is no more than the tip of the proverbial iceberg as far as Johnson's martial arts resume goes. This is a man who has seen and done just about everything there is to do in the martial arts industry. Let's roll some of his credits.
Johnson began training in tang soo do in 1963 in South Korea during a stint in the military. From 1968 to 1973, after returning home, Johnson served as the captain of Chuck Norris' undefeated black belt competition team, which won its division at 33 consecutive tournaments. During that span, Johnson fought nearly 200 matches, losing just once.
In 1968. Johnson formulated penalty-point rules to discourage excessive contact in tournament sparring matches a system still in use today. And in 1975, and again in '76, he won the Golden Fist award, recognizing him for his outstanding work as a sparring referee.
Johnson ruled with not a golden, but an iron fist when, in 1968, he became the chief instructor at Norris' Sherman Oaks, California, school.
"I believe in firm, hard-nosed karate," says Johnson, who quickly established a set of rules students at the school had to follow. "If you wanted to speak during class, you raised your hand. All instructors were referred to as 'Mr.' And if you had dirty fingernails or your uniform wasn't ironed, you did push-ups."
If parents of the students disrupted class by talking while they watched the training, Johnson would order them to leave. Despite the disciplined atmosphere, the school thrived under Johnson's direction. In six months, enrollment grew from less than 30 students to more than 350. "We were raking in a fortune," Johnson recalls.
Success bred expansion, as Norris opened a chain of Southern California-based schools and founded the National Tang Soo Do Congress, naming Johnson the executive vice-president. The two eventually split up due to philosophical differences, and most of the organization's students followed Norris to his new United Fighting Arts Federation. A small number of students remained with Johnson and the National Tang Soo Do Congress, which today numbers 160 black belts and 11 schools over five states.
"My organization is small, but it is close-knit and there is a lot of loyalty, which is everything to me," Johnson says. "I can forgive a lot of shortcomings if someone has loyalty. When the organization fell apart, a lot of people went with Chuck. Since that time, a lot of them have called and said they wanted to join my organization. But I say 'Sorry.' I want people around me who are loyal and who I can rely on. And I will be there for them when the bell sounds, by their side all the way."
Today, Johnson spends most of his time working as a fight and stunt coordinator. In addition to his work on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles films, he served as the fight choreographer for all four Karate Kid pictures, and he is currently working in that capacity on Batman and Robin, the much-anticipated fourth Batman blockbuster due out in 1997. Johnson, who has also appeared as an actor in nine movies, has been the personal martial arts instructor of celebrities such as Steve McQueen, Priscilla Presley, Bob Barker, Pat Morita (Mr. Miyagi) and Ralph Macchio (the Karate Kid)
Johnson's biggest thrill from teaching is watching students improve. "That might mean the student comes home with a grand championship trophy or, in other cases, it may mean the student got all the way through a form," he says. Seeing someone reach his full potential is a great feeling."
Nearly 30 years have passed since Johnson started teaching tang soo do, but he has changed little, if at all.
"I'm still a rule-following, strict son of a gun when I teach," Johnson admits. "It's the only way I know."
Blackbelt Magazine's 1995 Instructor of the Year

1963, Began training in Korea

1968, Formulated the penalty-point system for karate tournaments

1968-1973, Served as captain of the Chuck Norris Competition Black Belt Team, which won 33 consecutive national and international titles.

1971, Became the national Tang Soo Do Champion.

1975-1976, Won the Golden Fist Award for the best karate referee in the United States.

1984, Served as stunt coordinator for the Karate Kid.

1986, Awarded ninth degree black belt.

1986, Named senior black belt in the National Tang Soo Do Conference.

1989, Served as stunt coordinator for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

1993, Inducted into the North American Sport Karate Ass. Hall of Fame.

1995, Served as stunt coordinator for Mortal Kombat.


May 5, 2016

May 3, 2016


This is the first time I have scene this photo. Three of the Cobras getting instructions while filming the Halloween dance scene.
