Jul 20, 2016

Jul 15, 2016

Justice for Johnny

(I saw this today on the Cobra Kai Facebook page, some of the comments are pretty funny.)

Paul Caulfield - John Kreese does not tolerate losses via illegal kicks to the head in his dojo and effectively shunned Johnny after. Johnny was unable to secure further instruction in Karate due to his reputation, leading to a downward spiral into drugs and homelessness which would never have happened had he been recognised as the true all valley champion. Johnny's dignity, self respect and hope for the future was put in a body bag that day.

Wayne Michael Zahra - Not only johnny was kicked in the face the tournament is for brown belts and above . Some poor guy trained his ass off to make it to the tournament only to have his belt stolen from a bag .

Let me guess Daniela is the victim once again . Daniela is a cheat !

Adam McCartney - True. However, perhaps the judges decided to look the other way on the Crane Technique after seeing all the dirty tricks and bad sportsmanship demonstrated by ALL of the Cobra Kai during the tournament.

Ian Corcoran - Leave now.

Abner Berrios - Larusso cheated. Mr. Miyagi stole a belt and he give false information in the application he said he have a Miyagi dojo he does't have a karate school Larusso can't be a black belt.

The facts prove Larusso is a cheater, the tournament organization must do a review of documents and present charge against them for fraud.

That's a federal crime.

Adam McCartney - It's way beyond of the statute of limitations now. Too late to file charges.

Jul 13, 2016

The Search for Count Dante

I really hope this documentary gets completed, I think it would be very interesting to watch.

Jul 11, 2016

Ed Parker Jr. with Billy Zabka and Daryl Vidal

(photo from Marie Baer's Facebook page)

Dragonfest 2016 - Van Nuys California

Jul 10, 2016

Karate Kid represented at Dragonfest

(photo from Minh Mach's Facebook page, July 9th, 2016)

From left to right: Pat Johnson, Daryl Vidal, Billy Zabka, Ron Thomas, Tony O'Dell.

Jul 5, 2016

One of the better scenes from Bloodsport

I've always liked this scene from Bloodsport. Not so much because of Van Damme's training but because it gives you a good view of the harbor. And if you look close enough you can see an airliner taking off from the old Hong Kong airport.