Mar 26, 2018

10 Gut-Punching Facts About 'Bloodsport' on Its 30th Anniversary

Bow before Jean-Claude Van Damme's martial-arts masterpiece.

(by Adam K. Raymond 2-27-18)

The year was 1988. Jean-Claude Van Damme was a little known martial artist trying to make the transition to acting, and after bit parts in B-movies, a starring role finally landed in his lap.

It was in the corny-yet-compelling action flick Bloodsport, which was made on a $2 million budget and went on to make more than $50 million at the worldwide box office before becoming a bona fide VHS hit.

Thirty years later, Bloodspot is still a part of the pop culture zeitgeist, and not just because it launched Van Damme into stardom. Bloodsport also gave us the fight tournament subgenre of action movies and mades millions of American boys learn to do the splits.

But you already knew all that. Here are 10 things you might not have known.

Mar 25, 2018

Mar 21, 2018

Bok Fu Do

I think the Bok Fu Do guys have watched Bloodsport one to many times.

Mar 14, 2018

Your technique is incorrect

Be aware if you put something up on the internet of yourself performing a technique or a form, chances are you are going to have some slob at home critiquing even though they can't do anything any better than what you are doing.

Mar 9, 2018

Mountains of the masters

Zhangjiajie Tianmen National Park, China

Mar 2, 2018

Don't get him a body bag

Funny how Tommy went from "Get him a body bag!" to "this guy is a psycho."

Mar 1, 2018

Karate and coffee

Having your dojo located next to a Starbucks might make you look a little more legit, but practicing outside while Starbuck customers are trying to enjoy a cup of coffee and relax is embarrassing.

C'mon guys, no one is going to think you are cool for practicing outside. All they are going to do is shake their heads and roll their eyes.

You have a dojo for a reason, go inside and get practicing.

Leave the old-timers in peace and let them drink their coffee.