Jan 31, 2022

Age is not a barrier, it's a limitation you put on your mind

Don't allow being 40, 50, 60 or even 70 or above to stop you from becoming the best that you can become.
I made a decision a long time ago, and committed my heart and soul to it. This decision was that like wine, I would get better with age. No excuses of pain, injuries, challenges, family, work, etc. I would not let myself down by allowing age to deter me from being at my very best!
What ages us? If you allow yourself to feel old... you will feel it, look it and live it! But if you make a life decision to get lean, fit and healthy, and stay that way from this point on... you will change the course of your life forever! Is it easy? heck no! It's tough... but well worth the sacrifice!
I made a strict life rule to myself: I will train and eat in such a way that no matter what hour, day, week, month or year it is... I can take my shirt off and look my best! You see, bodybuilders and fitness models have on seasons and off seasons. They peak for photo shoots or contests. They don't always look at their best. So the photos or videos you see is their peaked condition. My rule was and is to look the part all the time! No... being 60 years old can't be an excuse. Plus, I have to adhere to the No Excuses until the day I die!
You can make the same commitment as well. Choose to be Lean, Fit and healthy for Life and don't use your age as a barrier!
Strong & Inspired

Jan 26, 2022

Artwork by Mark Fong

 Two warriors battle.

Jan 23, 2022

Jan 22, 2022

Bobby vs Daniel

Interesting photo seeing as Bobby and Daniel never really fought at the All Valley. Remember that Kreese told Bobby that he wanted Daniel "out of commission."

"But Sensei, I can beat this guy." 

"I don't want him beat."

And then Bobby just came out and kicked Daniel in the knee. 

Jan 17, 2022

If the bird doesn't sing

What type of martial artist are you? 

There is a famous Japanese children's poem about a fictional account of a Zen master asking the three most powerful warlords of the Sengoku or Warring States period (Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu) what they would do if a hototogisu or cuckoo didn't sing. It was a parable that illustrates the character of each of these three individual leaders.

Oda Nobunaga was known for his fierceness and cruelty and thus would answer, "If a bird doesn't sing, kill it."

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was the most cunning and would therefore coyly say, "If a bird doesn't sing, make it sing."

Tokugawa Ieyasu was the most diplomatic and patient so he would say, "If a bird doesn't sing, wait for it to sing." 

The evolution of every martial artist is much like the philosophies of these famous Japanese Daimyos

The beginner usually wants to "kill it", the intermediate person wants to "force it", while an expert is willing to "wait for it."

Which of these most resonates with you? 

Jan 15, 2022

Morihei Ueshiba quote

 "Everything - even mountains, rivers, plants and trees - should be your teacher." - Morihei Ueshiba

Jan 6, 2022