This is an alternative retro movie poster for the classic 80's film, ’The Karate Kid', designed by Ehron Asher, inspired by international posters from martial arts films of the late 1960's and 1970's such as ‘Enter The Dragon', ’The Sacred Knives of Vengeance', ’The Thunder Kick', and 'The Incredible Kung Fu Master'.
It features a buffed up Daniel "Daniel-san" Larusso in his famous crane kick pose, bad guy Johnny Lawrence of Cobra Kai dojo doing a flying sidekick in his skeleton outfit, and Mr. Miyagi as an aged and long bearded karate master appropriate of a 70's chop sockie flick.
Other details include: Mr. Miyagi's "Miyagi-do Karate" Bonsai dojo logo in the background, the Japanese characters "Moment of Truth" across the top (a reference to the Survivor song featured in the film, as well as the actual name of the movie in some International markets), as well as a mixture of Japanese and English credits at the bottom.