Jul 5, 2020

Be your best self

(from Oliver Enkamp's Facebook page)

Traditional martial arts teaches a lot of great values. That's why I believe it's such a great tool for any kids growth process. Not only physically (improving coordination & motor skills) but learning how to treat your surrounding with respect.
I was taught to always be my best self. No matter if it was in the dojo, in school, or simply walking down the street... We create the environment we want to live in, because our actions mirrors back at us. Both the good and the bad.
So if you see something you don't like, you have to be the change you want to see. Be the role-model! Give the seat up for an elder, hold the door for whoever comes next, and don't throw trash around like we have multiple earths. Call out whoever does that and they might think twice next time.
A true martial artists leads by example and uses his powers to make the world a better place, while bringing as many people he/she can along the way.