Aug 9, 2022

Discomfort and Pain... the sacrifice in training - by Pablo Zamora

As true martial artist we learn to adapt to the rigors of training. If it was easy, everyone would be a “true martial artist.” While many people play the martial arts, and the serious learn to accept and even to enjoy the sacrifice of discomfort and pain. The real essence of the martial arts is to develop toughness in its practitioners. This level of toughness is a combination of physical and mental toughness. There’s no way around this. Learning to endure, and actually learning to accept and expect it. Because without it, one will never become the real deal. That’s just truth and reality.
Sadly through time the martial arts have soften so much in order to keep people involved in it. Learning toughness is no longer as important as it is to keep students by entertaining them with fun and excitement. Old school mentality in training is about developing strong students in body and mind. This still happens in certain schools that have a real dojo culture. Teaching students from the get-go, that discomfort and even pain will be a part of the process of developing skills. Making sure that parents also understand that even children will be taught to endure.
This is what makes the martial arts, and I mean, the true martial arts such a gem. There’s no possible way to develop warriors without this process. The magic that great schools do is to create a culture that sees the enduring of discomfort and pain as a great accomplishment. Students are rewarded with praise for this level of sacrifice. Praise from their instructors and peers is an incredible reward to receive. This praise becomes even stronger when the parents, siblings and other family members join in. It really is a process unlike anything else. To witness students turning into martial arts warriors is a reward like nothing else.