Dec 19, 2014

The Price of Fame

"It's the price of fame Mr. Miyagi, got to get used to it." Those were Daniel's words during the parking lot scene at the beginning of Karate Kid 2. It must be easy getting used to fame yet difficult to let go once you have tasted it's sweet nectar.

Such was the case in Karate Kid 3.

Daniel's need for fame drove him mad, much like my pursuit of truth nearly did to me. However where I have survived my journey into darkness Daniel did not. Where I emerged with only scars Daniel is in the midst of turmoil even to this day. (More on that later.)

Where my madness only affected me, Daniel's journey into madness hurt another as in the following example from Karate Kid 3. Daniel's thirst for glory brought out the worst in him to the point he yells at the one he said to only a year earlier, "You're the best friend I've ever had."

Not only that but when Mr. Miyagi tries to make Daniel understand the worth of karate in simple terms Daniel struggles and cannot put his need for fame aside.

And finally, at the All Valley itself. Daniel as we know ended up on the locker room table injured from an illegal kick to the knee by Bobby. This was a perfect chance for Daniel to bow out of the tournament and save face and get the upper hand on the Cobra Kai.

"I won't ever have balance that way.", whined Daniel.
Had Daniel bowed out gracefully he would have won the moral victory in the end and at the same time the Cobra Kai would have been disgraced. But again, the fame monster got the best of Daniel and he pleaded with Mr. Miyagi to fix his leg.

Daniel wasn't interested in moral victories, he had a pot of gold waiting for him at the end of the All Valley rainbow but to obtain it he needed to get back out to the big dance.